
Found 1488 results
Gelenbe E, Nakip M.  Submitted.  Associated Random Neural Networks for Collective Classification of Nodes in Botnet Attacks. arXiv.  (1.86 MB)
Domino K, Doucet E, Robertson R, Gardas B, Deffner S.  Submitted.  On the Baltimore Light RailLink into the quantum future. ArXiV preprint. arXiv:2406.11268
Kukulski R, Glos A.  Submitted.  Comment to Spatial Search by Quantum Walk is Optimal for Almost all Graphs. arXiv:2009.13309.
Kukulski R, Wojewódka-Ściążko H.  Submitted.  The e-property of asymptotically stable Markov semigroups. preprint.
Książek K, Spurek P.  Submitted.  HyperMask: Adaptive Hypernetwork-based Masks for Continual Learning.
Błasiak P, Markiewicz M.  Submitted.  Identical particles as a genuine non-local resource . arXiv preprint. arXiv:2404.17339
Atallah M, Velmurugan H, Sharma R, Midha S, Mamun SAl, Botelho L, Glos A, Salehi Ö.  Submitted.  Integer Factorization through Func-QAOA. arXiv preprint.
Kukulski R, Stępniak M, Hendzel K, Pawela Ł, Gardas B, Puchała Z.  Submitted.  Local certification of unitary operations and von Neumann measurements. arXiv. 2312.17037
Pawela Ł, Życzkowski K.  Submitted.  Matrix logistic map: fractal spectral distributions and transfer of chaos. arXiv.
Bakó B, Glos A, Salehi Ö, Zimborás Z.  Submitted.  Prog-QAOA: Framework for resource-efficient quantum optimizatino through classical programs. arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.03386.
Horodecki K, Pawela Ł.  Submitted.  Relaxed bound on performance of quantum key repeaters and secure content of generic private and independent bits. arXiv.
Koniorczyk M, Krawiec K, Botelho L, Bešinović N, Domino K.  Submitted.  Solving rescheduling problems in heterogeneous urban railway networks using hybrid quantum-classical approach. arXiv preprint. arXiv:2309.06763
Salehi Ö, Yakaryılmaz A.  Submitted.  State-efficient QFA Algorithm for Quantum Computers. arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.02262.
Gawlak K, Konieczny J, Domino K, Miszczak J.  Submitted.  Statistical analysis of geoinformation data for increasing railway safety. ArXiV preprint.
