Long Distance Entanglement and High-Dimensional Quantum Teleportation in The Fermi-Hubbard Model

TytułLong Distance Entanglement and High-Dimensional Quantum Teleportation in The Fermi-Hubbard Model
Publication TypeJournal Article
Rok publikacji2023
AutorzyAbaach S, Mzaouali Z, Baz MEl
JournalScientific Reports
Start Page964
Date Published01/2023
Słowa kluczowehubbard model, long distance entanglement, quantum teleportation
The long distance entanglement in finite size open Fermi-Hubbard chains, together with the end-to-end quantum teleportation are investigated. We show the peculiarity of the ground state of the Fermi-Hubbard model to support maximum long distance entanglement, which allows it to operate as a quantum resource for high fidelity long distance quantum teleportation. We determine the physical properties and conditions for creating scalable long distance entanglement and analyze its stability under the effect of the Coulomb interaction and the hopping amplitude. Furthermore, we show that the choice of the measurement basis in the protocol can drastically affect the fidelity of quantum teleportation and we argue that perfect information transfer can be attained by choosing an adequate basis reflecting the salient properties of the quantum channel, i.e. Hubbard projective measurements.


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Data aktualizacji: 18/01/2023 - 12:05; autor zmian: Zakaria Mzaouali (zmzaouali@iitis.pl)