mgr Akash Kundu Orcid ID: 0000-0002-3540-1061Strona WWW: Google Scholar ProfileStanowisko: doktorantZespół badawczy Zespół Kwantowych Systemów Informatyki Pokój: 110 Horizontal TabsPublikacje Biblio RSS 2024 1. Kundu, A., L. Botelho, and A. Glos, "Hamiltonian-Oriented Homotopy QAOA", Physical Review A, vol. 109, 02/2024. 2. Kundu, A., P. Bedełek, M. Ostaszewski, O. Danaci, Y. J. Patel, V. Dunjko, and J. Miszczak, "Enhancing quantum variational state diagonalization using reinforcement learning techniques", New Journal of Physics, vol. 26, 01/2024. 2023 3. Glos, A., A. Kundu, and Ö. Salehi, "Optimizing the Production of Test Vehicles using Hybrid Constrained Quantum Annealing", SN Computer Science, vol. 4, issue 5, 2023. 4. Bach, B. Gia, A. Kundu, T. Acharya, and A. Sarkar, "Visualizing quantum circuit probability: estimating quantum state complexity for quantum program synthesis", Entropy, vol. 25, issue 5, 5/2023. 2022 5. Kundu, A., and J. Miszczak, "Variational certification of quantum devices", Quantum Science and Technology, vol. 7, 07/2022. 6. Domino, K., A. Kundu, Ö. Salehi, and K. Krawiec, "Quadratic and Higher-Order Unconstrained Binary Optimization of Railway Rescheduling for Quantum Computing", Quantum Information Processing, vol. 21, issue 9, 09/2022. 7. Botelho, L. A. S., A. Glos, A. Kundu, J. Miszczak, Ö. Salehi, and Z. Zimborás, "Error mitigation for variational quantum algorithms through mid-circuit measurements", Physical Review A, vol. 105, 2022. 8. Kundu, A., and J. Miszczak, "Transparency and enhancement in fast and slow light in q-deformed optomechanical system", Annalen der Physik, vol. 54, issue 22, 06/2022. 2021 9. Kundu, A., C. Jin, and J-X. Peng, "Optical response of a dual membrane active–passive optomechanical cavity", Annals of Physics, vol. 429, 2021. 10. Kundu, A., C. Jin, and J-X. Peng, "Study of the optical response and coherence of a quadratically coupled optomechanical system", Physica Scripta, vol. 96, mar, 2021. 11. Cheng, H-J., S-J. Zhou, J-X. Peng, A. Kundu, H-X. Li, L. Jin, and X-L. Feng, "Tripartite entanglement in a Laguerre–Gaussian rotational-cavity system with an yttrium iron garnet sphere", Journal of the Optical Society of America B, vol. 38, Feb, 2021. Projektyiitis employee projects: 1. Wpływ zmiany danych wejściowych i modyfikacji parametrów algorytmu na wydajność programów kwantowych (2019/33/B/ST6/02011, 2020 - 2023)