Numer projektu: N N516 481840 Termin: 20/04/2011 to 19/07/2014Typ projektu: Projekt własny badawczyKierownik lub opiekun projektu: Piotr GawronWykonawcy projektu: Jarosław Miszczak, PhDPiotr GawronRyszard Winiarczyk, PhDProf. Tadeusz CzachórskiProf. Jerzy KlamkaPublications: Quantum Queuing Networks Throughput OptimisationDimensionality reduction of dynamic animations using HO-SVDNumerical range for random matricesDecoherence effects in the quantum qubit flip game using Markovian approximationCompression of animated 3D models using HO-SVDEnhancing pseudo-telepathy in the Magic Square gameA model for quantum queueRestricted numerical shadow and geometry of quantum entanglementNoise effects in the quantum search algorithm from the viewpoint of computational complexityEfficient integration over the unitary group with applicationsModels of quantum computation and quantum programming languagesPartnerzy: Jan Sładkowski - Uniwersytet Śląski Wersja do wydruku