Orcid ID:0000-0003-0304-0385


Ph.D., Eng., received the M.Sc and Ph.D. degrees from the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice. In 2001, he was appointed the head of the Quantum System of Informatics Group in the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, Polish Academy of Sciences. His main research interest in the quantum informatics domain is the development of software environment for quantum computations.

Horizontal Tabs



51. Winiarczyk, R., P. Kowalski, and J. Kędziera, "Wydajność mechanizmów komunikacji systemu QNX", Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Śląskiej, Seria: Informatyka, vol. 37, no. 1421, pp. 83–104, 1999.
53. Winiarczyk, R., "Analiza jakości usług w systemach multimedialnych", Metody i systemy komputerowe w badaniach naukowych i projektowaniu inźynierskim, pp. 29–32, 10, 1999.


54. Polonski, W., R. Winiarczyk, A. Mrózek, and T. Przybyla, "Ocena gojenia zlaman kosci piszczelowych u ludzi przy u?yciu lasera niskoenergetycznego", Techniki Informatyczne w Medycynie, TIM'98, Ustron, 15-17 pazdziernik 1998, 1998.


55. Kędziera, J., and R. Winiarczyk, "Notes on redesigning the FPGA-based image board to the xilings 4000 chips family", Conference on Programmable Devices and Systems PDS'96, Ostrava, 1996.


56. Płonka, L., A. Mrózek, R. Winiarczyk, and J. Maitan, "Implementing Rule-Oriented Knowledge Bases on Smart Networks", Proceedings of the Workshop held in Augustow, Poland, 5-9 June, 1995.


57. Maitan, J., A. Mrózek, R. Winiarczyk, and L. Płonka, "Overview of the emerging control and communication algorithms suitable for embedding into smart sensors", Proceedings of the Second IEEE/NIST Workshop on Smart Sensor and Transducer Commnunication Standards, Cleveland, OH, September, 1994.
58. Mrózek, A., and R. Winiarczyk, "Systemy operacyjne czasu rzeczywistego", Informatyka, nr.9, 1994, 1994.


59. Skabek, K., J. Prusakowski, and R. Winiarczyk, "Komputerowa reprezentacja oraz prezentacja i graficzna edycja krzywoliniowych obiektów 3d", Metody i systemy komputerowe w badaniach naukowych i projektowaniu inżynierskim, 1993.


Historia zmian

Data aktualizacji: 07/12/2023 - 13:48; autor zmian: Łukasz Zimny (lzimny@iitis.pl)

Ph.D., Eng., received the M.Sc and Ph.D. degrees from the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice. In 2001, he was appointed the head of the Quantum System of Informatics Group in the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, Polish Academy of Sciences. His main research interest in the quantum informatics domain is the development of software environment for quantum computations.